- lead someone a merry dance
- разочаровать, расстроить кого-либо (сменой настроения, намерений и т.п.)
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
lead (someone) a (merry) dance — old fashioned to confuse someone or to cause problems for them by deceiving them or behaving in a way that they cannot understand. She s led us a merry dance over the plans for the party … New idioms dictionary
lead someone a merry dance — ► lead someone a merry dance Brit. cause someone a great deal of trouble. Main Entry: ↑dance … English terms dictionary
lead someone a merry dance — British to deliberately waste someone s time and cause them trouble She was leading journalists a merry dance about her wedding day … English dictionary
lead someone a merry dance — Brit. cause someone a great deal of trouble or worry. → dance … English new terms dictionary
lead someone a merry chase — (US) (or Brit lead someone a (merry) dance) old fashioned : to cause a series of troubles or worries for (someone) He led me a merry chase before I finally got him to agree to a meeting. • • • Main Entry: ↑lead … Useful english dictionary
lead someone a merry dance — … Useful english dictionary
lead someone a merry chase/dance — lead (someone) a merry chase/dance see ↑lead, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑merry … Useful english dictionary
lead one a merry dance — {v. phr.} To cause someone unusual discomfort or expense; tire someone by causing one to overdo. * /With her personal extravagances and constant social activities that cost a fortune, Carol led her husband a merry dance./ … Dictionary of American idioms
lead one a merry dance — {v. phr.} To cause someone unusual discomfort or expense; tire someone by causing one to overdo. * /With her personal extravagances and constant social activities that cost a fortune, Carol led her husband a merry dance./ … Dictionary of American idioms
lead\ one\ a\ merry\ dance — v. phr. To cause someone unusual discomfort or expense; tire someone by causing one to overdo. With her personal extravagances and constant social activities that cost a fortune, Carol led her husband a merry dance … Словарь американских идиом
lead someone a dance — see under ↑dance • • • Main Entry: ↑lead * * * lead someone a (merry) dance british phrase to treat someone badly over a period of time, for example by making them do things that are not necessary or by telling them things that are not true… … Useful english dictionary